I know you just want to be there already.

An issue we all face on our weight loss journeys is impatience. It screws with our consistency and our motivation, ultimately elongating actually getting to the end goal. It’s one of the key foundations we work on as holistic health coaches; consistency with diet, fitness, healthy habits and solution oriented thought patterns. It’s tempting to skip steps and choose the fast track, yet it shouldn’t go without question, after all there’s a reason those who choose to do juice cleanses, restrict foods, and two a day workouts are recurring clients of other diet plans too.

Have you thought of this? 

PS: Be sure to read to the end for my personal, most favorite, mindset hack.

Did You Know That The Journey Is The Goal

You might think you prefer the fast track to your goal. To skip over the challenges you've been facing, doing the things you need to do to achieve that goal.

But can you imagine success without growth? It's literally... IMPOSSIBLE.

I see far too many of you trying to scoot around the learning process and foundation building and it’s the ‘scooting around’, trying to skip steps that is actually what drives most of your frustration. Let me explain.

One of my favorite statements is this: "the journey IS the goal" (and to be honest, it took me years to really get what this meant, so let me streamline that for you and help you get it sooner).

In order to reach the top, to get to the destination, to achieve that desired thing.... you'll need to travel the bumpy road, climb into the ring, go through some trial-and-error, battle with uncertainty... so you can unlock the GROWTH that makes the success and achievement meaningful and able to SUSTAIN.

So when you think "I just want to be there already", think about what you're really saying. You want to skip the growth, skip the lessons, skip the character building that you need. You will be robbing yourself of the growth journey and in effect, cheating.

I won't lie, I used to think in this way too, but it's these learnings that are the reason why I've been able to sustain my body and health goals. I don't have to continue to go back through the pains of growth because I've already put in the effort. You can too!

If you're having trouble figuring out how to think differently about your goal. We're dang good at helping you change your thoughts and shift your mindset so you are set up for better success.

I want to explore the main factor that leads to the want for the fast track: Motivation

Lady thinking about the battle ropes in the gym

So You Want To Give Up?

  • The going got tough?

  • There were some hurdles?

  • Motivation lost?

Well guess what? If you stop now, when the going gets tough or if you give up when you lose your motivation, you’re going to be right HERE in this same exact spot. Right where you DON’T want to be. Whether you face these hurdles now, or later, you will still have to face them

The same challenges will still be challenges. The same issues, still the same issues. The same frustrations, still the same frustrations.

This is a big reason we rush to the finish line and choose the fast track option but the fast-track won’t get you sustained results, it won’t get you to the place of happiness beyond the pain you’re in now. We need to return to why you are here now (the skillsets you need to still develop, the ones you are trying to hire out or ‘buy’) AND we need to return to your initial motivation:

WHY did you start in the first place?

  • Because where you were was SO uncomfortable?

  • Because you hated the way your body looked or the way you felt?

  • Because you were sick & tired of struggling with digestive issues, yo-yoing with your weight, feeling exhausted or not fitting in your clothes?

  • Because you were tired of being HERE?

I ask this because it's a very important component that will determine how long you stay “motivated” and the results you will have.

Let me tell you, I didn’t ‘start’ working out because I wanted to lose weight. I started working out because I wanted to feel MORE confident. I wanted to feel LESS anxious. I wanted to feel STRONGER in mind and body. I wanted to make sure I could ‘live out loud’ with ease (my soul craves adventure sports and hiking). My why’s ran deep. They were personal, they had a deeper pain related to them and they were also created with a desire to FEEL a different way. 

Your why matters.

While your bigger goal may be shape change or fat loss, it isn't just the shape that matters to you or what comes with the result. The result comes with discipline, organization, good digestion, confidence, self esteem, controlled nighttime eating, good body image, positive relationship with food, stable energy, solid sleep, managed stress... Do you think about those things? Are those what you're also truly after by accomplishing your goals?

What is behind the shape change or fat loss?
WHY do you want it?
What do you hope it will improve (think as grand as your life, not just your body)?

If you don’t work on these things now, WHEN are you going to work on them? In a month, 3 months, 1 year when the SAME issues are still bothering you & now you just spent ANOTHER 3 months or year feeling like THIS. 

Stopping isn’t going to delay the pains of change. It’s only going to delay the goal. It’s going to make the journey longer, the pains more uncomfortable & the habit change harder.

I truly believe we all face different hurdles in order to develop different character traits we don’t YET have, which is why you will inevitably hit your share of hurdles as you improve yourself as a person. Almost all forms of learning and progress towards a goal introduce challenges from many angles.

THINK ABOUT THIS: How often are you leaning into the challenging stuff? Do you find yourself heading the other direction when the path isn't so easy?

A woman's feet with her at home work out gear ready

How Do I Stay Motivated?

Motivation is what determines what we do, how we do something & how much we accomplish.

There are a few ways to support yourself when you find yourself asking “how do I stay motivated”. One of those is by understanding the type of motivation you currently have. Let me explain.

There are 2 main types of motivation. Intrinsic & Extrinsic. Both can get you to take action, but intrinsic motivation tends to drive the most sustained outcomes.

Extrinsic motivation (EM) occurs when actions are performed to receive external feedback like rewards, recognition, praise & compliments or to simply avoid punishment or criticism.
Extrinsically motivated people focus more on the outcome rather than the (positive) emotions associated with the behavior.

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation (IM) is fueled by satisfaction & meaning. It doesn’t just help you take action but it inspires a desire to continue because you notice the benefits from the effort.

This is why IM can help to improve & build contentment & confidence in your long term commitments.

A combination of extrinsic & intrinsic motivation is common, however, it’s the intrinsic motivation that will cause you to SUSTAIN the desired result. It comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from external factors. When you are intrinsically motivated, you engage in an activity because you enjoy it and get personal satisfaction from doing it. When you are extrinsically motivated, you do something in order to gain an external reward.

Ways you can embody more intrinsic motivation:
- Evaluate your reward systems (celebrate those small wins & consistencies)
- Understand your ‘why’
- Connect with your emotions - how do the efforts make you feel?
- Understand the impact of the effort you’re making - what’s the cost of not changing? What will that mean for your future?

If motivation and self-accountability has been hard for you for years, that’s a cue for help! We aren’t meant to be good at everything in life so if it’s not your strong suit…yet, let’s chat 

It’s Time to Choose Your Hard

This simple mind-shift can do wonders for your weight loss journey. It is the foundation for my motivation, for how I stay disciplined, the way I accomplish goals, it got me out of my lowest of low points, and it got me into the best shape of my life. It’s the one phrase I go back to when I’m feeling stuck. 

If I could pass along any one ‘go-to motivating’ phrase, it would be this:


Don’t want to get out of bed for the gym? Remember this. Had two weeks of binge-eating and working round the clock? Remember this. Lost love for your body? Remember this.

There are two kinds of hard in life:


The hard that comes from staying here, in a place of discomfort. Be it in a job that leaves you unfulfilled, a relationship that isn’t supportive, or a body you are uncomfortable in.


The hard that comes from change. Of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Of saying no. Of getting up to do that workout when you’d rather stay in bed. Of turning down take-out for a cleaner meal. The hard that comes from doing things differently.

Both are hard!

You can either be uncomfortable where you are or be uncomfortable in the process of change. One of those ‘hards’, is temporary, eventually going to get easier and will make you feel better. The other hard is going to keep you right here, in discomfort. 

So when the going gets tough and you’re battling yourself on making those changes, remember this ☝🏼 and intentionally choose.

Whew! That was one of the biggest motivational pep talks I’ve ever given in a 5-10 minute read, I think I pepped myself up hahah. I know it’s easy to read and move on but this is a good one to note down your main takeaways to help you stay reminded amidst your long journey to your goals (no sugar coating here!). 

If you’re struggling to stay consistent, it might be time to team up with a health coach near you, because the reality is, the virtual world allows us to always be near. Fill out this coaching application and we can discuss your journey options together to make you successful with your future efforts!


