A man and a woman hiking and laughing in the nature

Vacations are all about taking a break from the norm.

The trouble is, —whether you’re relaxing on the beach, catching up with relatives or exploring new places—, dropping your workout and healthy habits can quickly become the routine. And going home leaves you feeling defeated, drained and in need of a vacation from the vacation just to get back to feeling good in your skin.

It doesn’t have to be that way. I have 17 fresh strategies to help you keep moving when you’re on the go, no matter where you’re headed.

Want to plan your vacation around a fit-stay? 

  1. Set your dates.

  2. Stay in gorgeous accommodations surrounded by nature.

  3. Exercise by adventuring.

  4. Eat healthy local cuisine (or have your macros set and meals created for you – Flexible dieting).

It’s possible & affordable… Learn more here!

Destination: A place of Family; Parents’ or in-laws’

  1. Spend quality time with the folks while doing something active. Most times we base quality time around drinks or food, but help be the change of that. Take a walk through the neighborhood, plan a fun activity together like a dance class, painting, building or gaming.

  2. Take advantage of the track or trails at the local high school.

  3. Plan a morning stroll to an area coffee shop or farmers’ market. (To find a market near you, visit this USDA Web site.)

  4. Pitch in —and earn some brownie points— around the house by doing aerobic chores like gardening, mowing, and window-washing.

Destination: Beach

  1. Walk or run on the wet, packed sand by the water’s edge. You’ll burn extra calories without that going-nowhere feeling that comes with trying to move through dry, deep sand. Stop and add in some lunges, push ups, core or bear crawls to make it a full resistance workout.

  2. Rent equipment from local shops for activities like snorkeling, kayaking, surfing, stand up paddle boarding and sailing. Or try something new and take a lesson to learn how.

  3. Pack toys like inflatable balls, volleyball or frisbees, then play a seaside game or two with your travel buddies.

  4. Ditch your car and walk or bike back and forth to the beach. Many beach towns have adequate places to rent bikes to explore. What a better way to explore at the same time.

  5. Find beachside yoga or fitness classes to clench the natural soul of yours. Incorporate the outdoors in your workouts, after all you are at a beautiful beach!

Destination: City

  1. Compete in a pedometer contest with your travel companion. Whoever racks up the most steps each day gets treated to dinner or a manicure.

  2. Visit a local gym. Most gyms provide free day passes or even 3-day or week passes. Use Groupon or Dabble to find a local fitness class.

  3. Take a guided walking tour and get to know the city better.

  4. For a motivating challenge, plan your trip to coincide with a race like a 5K walk or run, adventure race or triathlon. (Check out Active.com to find one.)

Destination: Road trip

  1. Scout hotels or motels ahead of time for gyms, great pools or areas with surrounding nature to utilize for workouts. (Swimmers Guide can help you find a pool anywhere in the world that’s fit for lapping).

  2. Scope your route for places to hike, bike, swim or run. (Visit Swimmingholes.org, Traillink.com)

  3. Plan hikes along the way. To find a trail, log on to this National Park Service Web site or Americanhiking.org.

  4. Pack with you bands and TRX to wrap around trees or hang in a local park.

Learning how to ‘vacation’ and work towards goals is both based on your beliefs and your actions. We help you learn how. If every time you ‘vacation’ or celebrate or socialize you stop your goals, you will never reach them. You can integrate both. Let’s live life fully AND reach our goals at the same time, it’s possible, we’ll teach you how!


